
Glucosamine HCI

Glucosamine HCI..Thank God...mak dah tak sakit lutut lagi.. boleh jalan and even berlari!! Hehe..If you're having pain in your knee, or any joints in your body, this is definitely FOR YOU!!! Seriously!!!

NUTRILITE Glucosamine HCI mengandungi lebih banyak kandungan glukosamina yang aktif untuk memberi pelincir yang penting bagi mengurangkan kehausan dan kelusuhan dalam sendi2 lutut dan siku serta mana2 sendi di badan..yang biasa dikaitkan dengan penuaan.

  • Dapat mempertingkatkan pergerakan sendi terutama lutut.
  • Mengurangkan radang dan bengkak sendi.
  • Membantu dalam pembaikan dan pembentukan rawan yang rosak bagi menggalakkan kesihatan sendi yang lebih baik.
  • Terapi adjuvan yang berkesan untuk penyakit sendi degeneratif.
  • Boleh diguna untuk memberi kelegaan sementara daripada kesakitan yang dikaitkan dengan osteoartritis.
  • Setiap kapsul dirumus dengan fitonutrien yang bernilai seperti Pekatan Aserola dan Bioflovonoid Sitrus NUTRILITE.


♥ this 3in1 soap!!! TQVM, scientists!!!

Sabun Antibakteria 3 Dalam 1 BODY SERIES (150g) 
Wow..sabun ni mmg best.. dah pakai lama dah tapi ni baru nak blogkan.. pastu kena tunggu habis satu bar, baru nak share dgn semua sbb nak dapatkan sabun cinonet utk letak kat dlm sabun baru (soap saver section)..  sedapnya sabun ni.. betul Ms Chan cakap..belum kenal tiada cinta, sudah kenal jatuh cinta!!! heheee  bila guna sabun ni, kulit rasa sgt bersih dan lembut.. hilangkan ruam dan gatal2 sbb ni antibacterial soap 3 in 1. bila gosok sabun di badan sikit je pun buih dia byk dan lembut sgt.. bila gosok, daki senang keluar dan nampak lagi tu sbb bila bilas, dapat nampak mcm daki2 yg berwarna kelabu turun sama dgn air.. habis la mati semua bacteria, kawasan kulit yg gatal sbb peluh mcm kat leher ke atau pelipat lutu, siku etc, memang rasa selsa lepas tu tak gatal dah..lepas mandi, bau tinggal kat kulit wangiiiii sgt.. alhamdulillah best sabun ni.. tahan lama pula tu.. kat rumah mak, ada 3 bilik mandi, semua bilik mandi saya letak sabun ni supaya mak dan adik pun boleh guna sama sabun yg best ni...mak pun suka jugak...

my elder sis pulak, masa mai rumah mak, guna sabun ni, terus tanya mak, sabun apa tu, beli kat mana.. hehe saya boleh supply.. hehe.. along terus order 3 jenis sabun (Body Series 3 in 1, Body series body shampoo, dan GH Complexion Bar) best wah.. ni saya mesti nak bagi kawan2 tahu ni...

knowledge about product: sabun ni dibuat dgn Formula perapian membersih kulit kita tanpa mengeringkan kulit dgn bahan2 lembut yg dibuat daripada jagung dan kelapa. juga terdapat *TRIKLOKARBAN, membantu bertindak terhadap kuman. * MINYAK BADAM iaitu pelembap kulit semula jadi untuk membantu menjadikan kulit anda lembut dan kenyal.     * HARUMAN PENYAHBAU yang membantu meminimumkan bau peluh.   * DASAR PENJIMAT SABUN yang unik di mana anda boleh lekatkan baki sabun. Tiada pembaziran!!!!!   * Rumusan ini mengandungi bahan yang diperolehi daripada lembu yang selamat dan HALAL diguna.

BODY SERIES Antibacterial 3 in 1 Bar Soap (150g)  217000                        * Conditioning formula cleanses your skin with mild ingredients obtained from corn and coconuts without causing dryness.     * TRICLOCARBAN helps act against germs.     * ALMOND OIL - a natural skin moisturiser to help keep your skin soft and supple.     * A DEODORANT FRAGRANCE which helps minimise perspiration odour.     * A unique SOAP SAVER BASE which you can stick the sliver remnant soap. No wastage!     * The formula contains beef derived ingredient which is safe and HALAL/KOSHER for use.


Checklist utk Newborn Babies and Mommies :-)

Please feel free to make the list as a useful reference, and feel free to share with others.. Semoga dimanfaatkan...insyaAllah..TQVM.. Set Bersalin Amway, Set Bersalin Tropical herbs
BABY NEEDS: CLOTHING & LAYETTE Get them from the comfort of your own home! Buy Baby CLOTHING SET from this BLOG and stand a chance to win a FREE TOOTHBRUSH SANITIZER worth RM149.00! (While Stocks Last)
5-10 onesies or rompers, depending on how often you want to do laundry
5-7 baby sleepers or nightgowns 
✔ 1 cold weather sleeper if necessary
✔ 5-7 pairs of baby socks 
✔ 1-2 newborn hats, depending on climate

✔ 2 packs of disposable diapers or enough cloth diapers for at least two days.*
1 pack of disposable wipes or 10 cloth wipes
Diaper rash lotion Get it from the comfort of your own home!
Diaper rash powder from pure cornstarch** Get it from the comfort of your own home!
Waterproof pad for diaper changes
3-5 baby washcloths
1-2 hooded towels, if desired. Adult towels will work, too.
1 bottle of gentle baby wash Get it from the comfort of your own home!
1 bottle of gentle baby shampoo Get it from the comfort of your own home!
Baby nail clippers
Digital thermometer
MINYAK BABY HERBA ASLI TROPICAL HERBS ***Tropical Herbs to rub on baby's tummy Get it from the comfort of your own home!
Cotton Buds with two different ends

* Newborns can soil up to 10 diapers per day. 
*** IMPORTANT: Please make sure the baby oil you use don't contain any harmful substances like artificial menthol, champhor, methyl salicylate (can cause poisoning and toxicity). Guna Minyak Baby Herba Asli Tropical Herbs yang diyakini keselamatan dan kebaikkan khasiatnya..

3-4 fitted sheets for crib, cradle, co-sleeper or bassinet
5-7 lightweight blankets
1-2 heavier blankets, depending on climate
10 burp cloths
5-8 bottles*Get them from the comfort of your own home! Buy NUK Baby Feeding BOTTLE SET from this BLOG and stand a chance to win a FREE TOOTHBRUSH SANITIZER worth RM149.00! (While Stocks Last)
✔Sterilizer** Get them from the comfort of your own home! Buy NUK Baby STERILIZER Set from this BLOG and stand a chance to win a FREE TOOTHBRUSH SANITIZER worth RM149.00! (While Stocks Last)
Breastfeeding pillow, if desired
* if you're feeding breast milk from bottles, or bottle feeding
** Use electric sterilizer for convenience.

Banyakkan ulang membaca doa yg dibaca oleh Nabi Nuh
لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ

Ke Hospital Bersalin
✔  1 beg pakaian
✔  3 kain batik untuk dipakai
✔  3 t-shirt
✔  3 tudung/hijab
✔  1 tuala mandi
✔  1 tuala muka
✔  1 tuala rambut
✔  1 beg peralatan mandian / toileteries
✔  1 set toileteries (berus gigi, ubat gigi, sabun mandi, sponge, syampu, sikat, sabun basuh, etc)
✔  1 getah/klip rambut & 1 hairband (jika perlu)
✔  2 bungkus tuala wanita / 40 keping
✔  1 bakul untuk mengisi makanan/minuman
✔  1 termos
✔  1 botol besar air 4 liter / 3 botol besar air mineral
✔ 1 cawan / mug
✔ 1 bekas utk isi makanan
✔ 1 set makanan (roti, biskut, susu ibu)
✔ 1 file / beg dokumen (untuk mengisi pelbagai dokumen penting)

Di rumah..
Breast pumps if breastfeeding
Breast pads
Breastfeeding bras
✔ 1 periuk termal  Get it from the comfort of your own home!

1 Set Bersalin untuk Persediaan Dalam Pantang dan lain2 yg disenaraikan di sini..
Set Lepas Bersalin yang lengkap - Sesuai utk normal birth dan caesarean birth
Set bersalin lengkap: tak panas, banyakkan susu, bentukkan badan dan turun berat, ketatkan keperawanan, harga patut,RM200++ rumusan 44 herba terpilih dan mustajab.

✔ 1.Tonik penguat (6 jenis herba) (10 uncang x 2g)
✔ 2.Pil herba awal (8 jenis herba) (60 biji x 300mg.)
3.Pil herba akhir (8 jenis herba) (80 biji x 300mg, ...)
4.Herba pembersih wanita (11 jenis herba) (20 uncang x10g)
5.Herba mandian (11 herba) (20 uncang x 10g)
6.Tapel/peramping (8 herba) (20 paket x 15g)
7.Param (9 herba) (15 paket x 15g)
8.Pilis (8 herba) (15 paket x 3g)
9.Minyak urut herba (9 herba) (60 ml)
10.Minyak baby herba asli (5 herba) (60 ml)
11. Percuma bengkung lepas bersalin (free gift - lebar, sedap pakai, zigzag, free size, selesa, merampingkan) 

Sebarng pertanyaan, sila hubungi saya...saya supplier sebahagian daripada barang2 yg ditampilkan dalam posting ni n bersedia bagi khidmat hantaran percuma dan penerangan bila2 masa. Harap mudah bersalin insyaAllah..amin..jaga diri..wassalam..TQVM.

Do feel free to add in the checklist by leaving comments.. TQVM.. :-)


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