

I ♥ the great taste of chocolate drink that's made from POSITRIM DUTCH COCOA. If you are one of these.. either not feeling your very best, or tired, or stuck at work and too busy to eat, or just want to get healthy, or shed some weight forever this is for you.
A nutritionally sound meal consisting of flavored nonfat milk powder sweeteened with fructose that provides a healthful balance of carbohydrates, high-quality protein and fat. It contains 12 essential vitamins, 12 minerals, 7g protein, and 3g of dietary fibre per packet. It
provides a quick breakfast or lunch, which is particularly important if
you have to go to work or travel or in a hurry. Cutting calories often means cutting important nutrition. It is hard to get all the nutrition you need if you are skipping meals, eating smaller portions, or only particular foods. The POSITRIM DUTCH COCOA takes the guesswork out of eating right.
P.S. The recommended intake is for adults. So, for kids, use half of the packet.
Very easy to prepare as it is easily dissolved both in cold and hot water/ milk.
Other flavors: Coffee, and Vanilla.
More on Positrim

Positrim untuk Kesihatan, Kelangsingan

Positrim works for me. I am sure, it will also work for you! I love Positrim!!

Tak sempat makan.. Nak turunkan berat dan dapatkan bentuk badan idaman... Positrim - Impian Jadi Kenyataan!

Untuk kesan optima, ambil Positrim bersama2 dengan Lecithin+E dan NutriFiberblend yg sgt sedap dan juga berkhasiat..
Pilihan pengganti hidangan yang mudah untuk mengekalkan berat badan yang ideal.


* Ini adalah makanan berkhasiat yang bagus untuk mengawal berat badan terdiri daripada susu tepung tanpa lemak berperisa yang dimaniskan dengan fruktos yang membekalkan karbohidrat, protein berkualiti tinggi dan lemak yang seimbang dan sihat.
* Ia mengandungi 12 vitamin penting, 12 mineral, 7g protein, dan 3g serat diet untuk setiap peket. Dibungkus dalam uncang berperekat yang mudah, ia memberi sarapan atau hidangan tengah hari yang cepat, yang mana ini amat penting sekiranya anda terpaksa pergi bekerja atau berpergian atau ketika hendak cepat.
* 1 peket mengenyangkan hingga 7-8 jam.

Get POSITRIM from the comfort of your own home now!

Masa saya nak turun berat badan dulu, trainer kat gym advice: fokus on shape...alhamdulillah itu lebih buat kita bermotivasi...sekarang dah dapat shape yg diidamkan hehe..
* 14 peket/kotak.
* Pilihan perasa Sup Savori Jagung, Kopi, Vanilla, Koko.
* Pilihan pengganti makanan yang mudah dan berkhasiat untuk mengawal berat badan. Rasanya yang hebat membuatkan pengawalan berat badan menjadi lebih mudah dan menggembirakan. 

Get POSITRIM from the comfort of your own home now!

* Mengurangkan kalori selalunya bererti mengurangkan pemakanan penting. Adalah sukar untuk mendapat kesemua pemakanan yang anda perlukan sekiranya anda meninggalkan waktu makan, makan jumlah yang lebih kecil, atau hanya makan makanan tertentu. Positrim memudahkan kerja untuk mengagak sama ada mengambil pemakanan yang betul atau tidak.
* Penggunaan yang Disyorkan : Masukkan kandungan paket ke dalam 250ml gelas susu skim sejuk, susu lengkap atau susu kering. Kacau hingga larut sepenuhnya.
* 100% Jaminan Kepuasan.
* Lengkapkan Program Diet anda dengan NutriFiberBlend

Get POSITRIM from the comfort of your own home now!

I ♥ the great taste of chocolate drink that's made from POSITRIM DUTCH COCOA. If you are one of these.. either not feeling your very best, or tired, or stuck at work and too busy to eat, or just want to get healthy, or shed some weight forever this is for you.
A nutritionally sound meal consisting of flavored nonfat milk powder sweeteened with fructose that provides a healthful balance of carbohydrates, high-quality protein and fat. It contains 12 essential vitamins, 12 minerals, 7g protein, and 3g of dietary fibre per packet.

Get POSITRIM from the comfort of your own home now!

It provides a quick breakfast or lunch, which is particularly important if you have to go to work or travel or in a hurry. Cutting calories often means cutting important nutrition. It is hard to get all the nutrition you need if you are skipping meals, eating smaller portions, or only particular foods. The POSITRIM DUTCH COCOA takes the guesswork out of eating right.
P.S. The recommended intake is for adults. So, for kids, use half of the packet.Very easy to prepare as it is easily dissolved both in cold and hot water/ milk.Other flavors: Coffee, and Vanilla.
Add NutriFiberBlend to complete your diet program!

  1. Minum air dgn cukup dan makan cukup makanan berkhasiat.. jika sukar, ambil Positrim..
  2. Senaman atau exercise yg cukup
  3. Tidur dan rehat yg cukup tapi tidak lebih atau kurang
  4. Berfikiran Positif...
Be Happy... :-)


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