
Set Bersalin Tropical Herbs, Jamu and Your Baby

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Penyebab kuning atau jaundice pada baby baru lahir ialah kerana hati belum berfungsi dengan optimum. Bagi membantu bayi menguatkan hatinya, ibu mestilah menyusukan bayi 8-12 kali sehari.
Set Lepas Bersalin Tropical Herbs membantu ibu mendapatkan susu yang banyak supaya dapat menyusu dengan secukupnya.
Dengan meminum TEH HERBA sebagai tonik herba yang direbus dari hari ke-5 hingga 9, ibu melancarkan peredaran darah dan lebih sihat dan bertenaga untuk menyusu secukupnya.
To increase convenience in breastfeeding, the Tropical Herbs Capsules #1 helps the mommy restore her energy and to promote the production of breast milk.. This Tropical Herbs Capsule Herbs #1 is scheduled to be taken beginning from the 10th day. This is a perfect plan to reduce jaundice because this will help the mommy to produce enough milk and will help to keep the baby’s bilirubin level down and therefore reduce and eliminate jaundice. Also, mommy's breast milk is the ideal food for the baby. Then, Tropical Herbs Capsules #2 helps stimulate milk secretion, which also helps more in eliminating jaundice.

Hati bayi yang lemah menyebabkan kekuningan.

Ok now let's see about how Tropical Herbs help moms in breastfeeding, and thus reduce jaundice in babies.
Tentang jaundice, jangan bimbang sebab kebanyakan baby (dan bukan semua) dapat mild jaundice bila baru lahir sbb secara umumnya, baby's liver belum function betul2. Jadi, jgn risau sebab Jaundice akan resolve sendiri bila baby's liver dah mula kuat dan functioning at full speed. Cara nak kuatkan baby's liver, kalau BF baby, BF atleast 8 to 12 kali sehari for the first few days. Jaundice berlarutan kalau baby tak menyusu dgn secukupnya. Kalau BF babies, jaundice often sehingga baby usia 21 hari. Kalau formula-fed babies, jaundice often sehingga 14 days. Ini biasa dan harmless. Reading bilirubin yg normal ialah below 125. Utk bagi byk susu, rebus segenggam halba sampai didih, tapis, minum air halba suam2.. kalau nak lebih lengkap, ambil set tropical herbs yg lengkap utk bykkan susu dan galakkan pengeluaran susu..insyaAllah...

Almost all babies have mild jaundice in the first 2nd (14 days) and 3rd week (21 days) that is harmless, but in unusual situations the bilirubin level can get very high and might cause 'brain damage' ( Na'uzubillahiminzaalik). This is why newborns should be checked carefully for jaundice and treated to prevent a high bilirubin level BECAUSE actually jaundice is caused by an excess of a chemical called bilirubin. A safe reading of bilirubin level is below 125. HOWEVER physiological jaundice will resolve by itself once the baby's liver is functioning at full speed.

In breastfed babies, jaundice often lasts for more than 2 to 3 weeks (upto 21 days). In formula-fed babies, most jaundice goes away by 2 weeks (14 days).

Jaundice is more common in babies who are breastfed than babies who are formula-fed, but this occurs mainly in newborns who are not nursing well. If the baby is breastfed, the baby should be breastfed at least 8 to 12 times a day for the first few days.

If the mommy decides to postpone taking Tropical Herbs Set, she can continue taking the set by the end of 3rd week i.e. when the jaundice in baby is predicted to reside or the jaundice be gone forever...or wait till the jaundice is gone totally from the baby. Stopping to take Tropical Herbs set will NOT make the jaundice go anyway.

A baby's not-so-well-functioning-liver is what makes jaundice in babies regardless of makan jamu, atau herba ataupun tidak. Once the baby's liver is functioning at full speed, physiological jaundice will resolve by itself.

Source: Syarikat pengeluar (For Tropical Herbs) & Internet (For jaundice)

Memang betul baby's liver will have to work harder kalau nak handle herbs or jamu yg ibu ambil, but doesn't that make you baby's liver stronger??
Doctors with MD.. please advice accurately! :-)
Semoga perkongsian penerangan memberi manfaat kpd semua...
Peace.. and lots of love.. ♥

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