If you like what I like and what I share, like it and share it! :-) I wanna share with all of you about many things that I have learnt... especially things and products that have made my life more enjoyable, easier and better. Robert Kiyosaki said: "A true business exists to solve problems and to make life better." So in our dealings, we ask ourselves, 'What problem do I want to solve?'
Love to share...
I am a sister to a girl with special needs, but that doesn't define who she is. We go to countless doctor's visits & have appointments with therapists. I have words in my vocabulary that I never wanted to know & I know more about my sister's diagnosis than most professionals. Our life is a hectic one but it is also very rewarding. I appreciate the small things in life because I have learned they are really the big things. I count my blessings & see miracles on a daily basis but at the end of the day, I am still a sister. I love my sister with my whole heart & dream about who she will become.
Memahami erti di sebalik kata-kata seorang wanita
Ada masanya bila wanita berkata2, apa yang dimaksudkan bertentangan dengan yang dikatakan dan ini boleh mjadi sebab bagi masalah dalam phubungan. Mahu tak mahu kita mesti mengaku dgn jujur bahawa berkata sesuatu secara jujur dan jelas lebih menguntungkan. Di antara perkataan2 yg disebut wanita (termasuk la yg menulis ni jugak) dalam komunikasi tapi erti sebenarnya mesti difahami dengan rasa melalui nada suaranya ialah:
1. Pergilah kalau nak pergi..
2. OK lah kalau macam tu.
Tak apalah kalau macam tu, nak buat macamana.
3. Fine.
4. Terima kasih lah banyak-banyak.
5. Tak ada ape-ape.
6. Tak ape, tak penting pun.
dan ada beberapa lagi..sempat nanti kita sambung sebab masa dah tiba utk saya check nasi lemak dalam pressure cooker tu..indicator dah bunyi.. oh ya erti disebalik kata2 lelaki pun ada, tapi saya fikir, satu saja yg saya pasti iaitu "Tengok lah macamana" hehe..ok jumpa lagi.. :-)
Children Learn What They Live By Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D. If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn. If children live with hostility, they learn to fight. If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive. If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves. If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy. If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy. If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty. If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence. If children live with tolerance, they learn patience. If children live with praise, they learn appreciation. If children live with acceptance, they learn to love. If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves. If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal. If children live with sharing, they learn generosity. If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness. If children live with fairness, they learn justice. If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect. If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them. If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live. Copyright © 1972 by Dorothy Law Nolte
Anak2 buah ku... :-)
Tadi lepas office saya nak bawa mak keluar pergi makan kat luar, and masa nak keluar, Nisa and Jeli sampai with family utk ambil baby Aqeel.. Danish (3+tahun) and Hazeeq(2+tahun) apa lagi, nak ikut Tok.. Saya pun dah lama tak bawa anak2 buah jalan, best juga bawa sekali.
Dalam kereta...
Danish: Angah ni apa banyak sgt kotak kat dlm kereta angah?
I: ni semua bungkusan angah nak pos kat kawan2.. Allano lotion, Roll on deodorant, Baby oil Tropical Herbs..Acerola Cherry Nutrilite, Set Tropical Herbs and manual untuk Noxxa Breadmaker..
Hah..jawap panjangg2 dah tau dah..dah boleh agak pastu mesti respond "oh"..itu ertinya Danish dah puashati dgn jawapan yg diberi. kalau jawap pendek nanti ada lagi siri pertanyaan "Angah kenapa ini..." "Angah kenapa itu..." tak lain tak bukan, Danish pun responded...
Danish: Oh
I: hehehee
Danish: Angah ni kite nak pedgi mane ni?
I: hehee ni kita gi Post Office dulu k semua org kena pakai seatbelt sbb angah nak pecut bawak laju mcm F1.
Danish: angah kenapa nak bawa laju2..
I: hehehe.. ni dah dekat pukul 7, takut Post office tutup. kalau tutup kita pi Jusco.
Bila sampai, Post Offce still buka, ada lagi 10 minutes tapi...
I: Mak, cuma boleh collect sampai 7pm, postage until 6.30 only. Pi Jusco la jawapnya.
Danish: Yay pedgi Jusco!!
Mak: Ya lah. Nnti singgah kat stesen minyak bawak Danish pi toilet.
Danish: Abang k*****g kat toilet. Adik pakai pampers
Hazeeq: Adik akai mpers.
So off we went to Jusco.. Kat Jusco..
Mak: Mak danish and Hazeeq tunggu dlm kereta je lah..
Danish: Angah cepat sikit nanti tutup
I: hehehee OK..
Ya Allah ramai org which was unusual for Jusco P.O. Dah siap.
Danish: Angah napa angah pergi lambat sangat
I: haaaah?
Mak: Angah pi lama sgt. Awat lama sgt?
I: hehehee.. sori la org ramai.
Ajiq: Tok, Ajiq nak makan nasi lemak.
I: heheheh boleh boleh alamak, mana nak beli n.l. mlm2..jom pi cari.. (taknak la hampakan anak buah)..kita cari lepas solat kat masjid k..jom pi toliet dulu..
Danish: Jom.. satu (pastu) kita beli air milo kotak
I: OK hehehe
Kat Ladies..
Danish: gambar boy mana?
I: kat sini lah (Family restroom) tengok ada gambar boy kecik kat situ. hehe
Selesai beli air milo kotak, kat masjid pula..
Danish: abang buat cam tu (ambil wudhu) habis basah baju abang..haa tengok baju angah dah basah sikit
I: hehehee
Dalam Masjid:
Mak: Dudu kkat sini saja tau, jgn jln2 lari2 tak mau, tgk semua org duduk diam2. Tok dgn angah nak solat, abg n adik duk diam2 sini ok
I: Mcmana ek.. haaa. abang n adik, kat luar tu, ada orang bawa lori, kalau abang n adik jalan2 kat luar ni, dia bawa naik lori dia, Abang n Adik nak ikut dia atau nak naik kereta balik dgn angah dgn tok?
danish: naik kereta angah
hazeeq: keta angah
I: hehe ok bagus. dok kat sini baca ni, tolong jaga sekali purse angah dan kunci kereta kita.
Lepas tu, pi cari pusing2 yg ada berdekatan tu Ani sup Utara dan Nasi Beriani Gam Johor..
I: Ni Segamat ke ni, tgk tu, ada tulis Johor.
Danish: Sgmt rumah Tokbah. Ni kat rumah angah laah!
I: hehehe...ok jom..
Mak: Ok toys tinggal dlm kereta.
Danish: Abang nak bawak
Hazeeq: Adik nak awak
I: Ok boleh.. nanti kat dalam restaurant tu ada budak kecil tu, dia suka juga main toys ni, nanti abang bagi Woody ni kat dia ok? Nak bagi dia atau nak tinggal dlm kereta?
Danish: Tinggal dalam kereta
I: Ok heheee Adik Ajiq, nanti budak kecil dalam restaurant tu, dia suka juga main Buzz Lightyear, nanti adik nak bagi dia atau nak tinggal dlm kereta?
Hazeeq: Tinggal dalam kereta
I: Hehehe ok simpan kat dlm kereta dulu..
Kat dlm restaurant Ani Sup Utama Seri Kembangan
Mak: Danish Ajiq nak mkn apa..?
Ajiq: mee sup
I: hahahahaha specific nya hahaha bagus bagus..hahaha Abang nak apa?
Danish: Abang pun mee sup
Mak: Mak pun sama
I: OK lah Angah pun sama lah..
makan..makan.. nyum nyum chomp chomp.. minum..etc.. alhamdulillah..Balik..masa balik..tiba2..
Hajiq: Angah..tudung..
I: haah.. ??
Mak: tu, ajiq tegur tudung kepala dah jatuh kat bahu, nampak rambut
I: oooo hehehe
Dekat nak sampai..
I: Kita ni nak balik rumah tok ke balik mana ni
Danish: Balik umah abang laaa.. umah partmen (apartment)
Hazeeq: Nak mommy..
I: heheehe kita balik rumah tok lah..
Danish: Tak nak, nak balik umah partmen
Hazeeq: nak mommy
Mak: jgn la mngusik
I: hehehe
Dlm rumah Nisa&Jeli..masa nak balik
I: mak..jom balik dah lewat la, esok semua nak kerja, danish ajiq gi sekolah..jom balik..
Danish: Aik napa cepat sgt uwaaa,,, (nangis)
I: err.. laa... hee nnti angah n tok datang lagi k..bye bye abang, bye bye ajiq, by bye baby aqeel... Assalaamu'alaikum...
Lain kali kita gi jalan2 lagi ok..
Found in over 80 countries/territories worldwide, with an annual turnover exceeding USD $9.2 billion*. Around the world, you will discover distributors of This Fantastic Supermarket as people who share high entrepreneurial spirit and who want to excel.
Pictures from yesterday..
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Mak@Sunway Pyramid Convention Center -- The Fantastic Supermarket Product Expo. |
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Mak@Sunway Pyramid Convention Center -- Amway Product Expo. |
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Mak@Sunway Pyramid Convention Center -- The Fantastic Supermarket Product Expo. |
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Mak@Sunway Pyramid Convention Center -- The Fantastic Supermarket Product Expo. |
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19/6.. 6-10pm..The Fantastic Supermarket National Convention kat Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil.. |
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19/6.. 6-10pm..The Fantastic Supermarket National Convention kat Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil.. |
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19/6.. 6-10pm..The Fantastic Supermarket National Convention kat Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil.. |
Meet the owner and expert of Tropical Herbs: Alhamdulillah dapat berjumpa dengan pakar herba Tropical herbs dan menimba ilmu..syukur.. @Sunway Pyramid Convention Center -- The Fantastic Supermarket Product Expo.
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Set Beg yang cantik.. high class..high quality material...dapat harga sgt murah kalau beli set bersalin atau 5 botol supplement.. best kan... |
Beat these five enemies.. Get to know three FUN and important advantages: 1. An immediate channel to the marketplace to market products and services directly to family, friends and neighbours 2. Offer superior services to customers. Distributors provide personal service, product demonstrations and the convenience of home delivery 3. An opportunity for anyone to own a business
1. Fear of Failure vs Keep Trying even for the 10th, 100th, 1000th 10,000th of times...
2. Worry vs 100 minus 92 minus 8 minus 4 possibilities...
3. Our Guilt vs Other people's Guilt
4. Feeling of Unworthiness vs Grace of God
5. Feeling of Insecurity vs Belief and Stability
(Reference: Rich Devos Series)
This entry is a retrospection. I am slow. That's OK. *I will continue to do what I have started the best I can. The only thing I am sure of now is that: I can... I will... and I must... although I am slow... and I am late... but I hope it is never too late...
Misplaced modifier:
*I will continue to do what I have started the best I can.
--> I will continue the best I can to do what I have started.
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