
G&H Bar that I use, I love, and I share

BODY SERIES G&H Complexion Bar (250g) I use it, ♥ it, & share it!
Produk klasik AMWAY! Alami ketulenan sabun jernih yang dibuat daripada hadiah alam semula jadi, MADU. Mengapa Madu?
* Ia adalah humektan semula jadi.
* Ciri-ciri antibakteria semula jadi.
* Mengandungi Vitamin B6, C, Tiamin, Riboflavin and Niasin.
* Mengandungi antioksidan dan asid amino.
* Rumusan ini mengandungi bahan yang diperolehi daripada lembu yang selamat diguna.
* Sesuai untuk semua kulit terutama kulit remaja.
Walaupun Sabun Kecantikan G&H dibuat terutamanya untuk pembersihan muka, ia juga adalah sabun mandi yang bagus. Digabungkan dengan Gliserin (satu lagi humektan yang berkuasa), bayangkan apa yang boleh dilakukan oleh kedua-dua produk klasik Amway ini untuk kulit anda!

Demo: Rasai sendiri kelembutan kulit anda selepas mencuci wajah dan kulit badan menggunakan sabun madu ini. Anda pasti menyukai baunya yang menyegarkan!

BODY SERIES G&H Complexion Bar (250g)
I use it, ♥ it, & share it! An AMWAY classic! Experience the purity of a translucent bar soap made from nature's gift, HONEY. Why Honey?
* It is a natural humectant.
* Natural anti-bacterial properties.
* Contains Vitamin B6, C, Thiamin, Riboflavin and Niacin
* Contains antioxidants and amino acids.
* The formula contains beef derived ingredient which is safe for use.
* Suitable for all especially teenage skin.
Although G&H Complexion Bar is made primarily for facial cleansing, it is also an excellent bath soap. Combined with Glycerine (another powerful humectant), just imagine what these two Amway classics can do for your skin!


Iron Folic

  • Satu tablet bersalut NUTRILOCK membekalkan 10 mg ferus fumarat dan ferus glukonat, dua bentuk zat besi yang bertoleransi dengan bagus dan mudah diserap; serta 0.133 mg folat.
  • Zat besi membantu pembentukan sel darah merah dan mencegah anemia zat besi.
  • Asid folik membantu mencegah kecacatan tiub saraf dalam janin.
  • Disyorkan untuk mereka yang menghadapi anemia zat besi dan amat penting untuk wanita yang merancang untuk hamil dan sepanjang 12 minggu pertama kehamilan.
  • Penyerapan zat besi dirangsang oleh supplemen dengan Vitamin C.
  • Pengambilan kopi atau teh akan menghalang penyeapan zat besi.
  • Penggunaan yang Disyorkan : Ambil 1-2 tablet dengan sajian. Maksimum 2 tablet setiap hari.
  • 120 tablet.
Berhati2 jgn ambil lebih dari apa yg disarankan sebab dos yang tinggi boleh menyebabkan rasa loya, muntah, sembelit atau cirit-birit. 

  • One NUTRILOCK coated tablet provides 10 mg of ferrous fumarate and ferrous gluconate, two well-tolerated and easily absorbed forms of iron; and 0.133 mg of folate.
  • Iron helps in the formation of red blood cells and prevention of iron anaemia.
  • Folic acid helps prevent neural tube defects in the foetus.
  • Recommended for those who has iron anaemia and especially important for women planning to conceive and also during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Iron absorption is boosted by supplementing with Vitamin C.
  • Consumption of coffee or tea can inhibit iron absorption.
  • Suggested Use : Take 1-2 tablets with meals. Maximum two tablets daily.
Do not take more than recommended as high dosage may cause nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhoea.


How Fun! Polish Your Personal Branding - Training

I attended a training on how to Polish Your Personal Branding on 9 August 2010, learnt how to choose colors and types of clothings to suit body shapes and skin colors, learnt how to use skin care and makeup from Artistry, the first in ranking among top 5 prestigious skincare and cosmetics product.. Great knowledge to practice and share!! Use it, ❤ it, share it..


Alive and kicking

Alive and kicking.. I won't kick.. I invite with a smile.. :-) But please don't invite me to join. I'm already in!


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